Collard Digital Business Card
Equipped with NFC, Collard digital business cards offer a smarter, faster, and cheaper networking solution, making a lasting impact and leaving an impressive impression. Share your contact details through a single tap, while keeping nature in mind.
Collard Cards offer unique features that are accessible via a user-friendly profile interface administering live updates to your details and customizable experience to suit your preferences and brand guidelines.
Effective Networking
Walk around with a single Collard card rather than dozens of paper cards that you know will get lost. Have the people you’re meeting directly save your contact onto their phone instead!
Environmentally Friendly
Think of how much paper you’ll be saving by switching to Collard. Oh and our cards? They’re recyclable.
Always Up-To-Date Contact Information
You can login to your Collard profile anytime, anywhere and update your contact info online in seconds.
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